• +91 94470 15560
  • info@sangamedu.org

Our Main Objectives


To facilitate all-round education of the people including economic and cultural aspects that build their capacity for sustainable development.

To promote educational, economic and cultural activities intended for the general welfare of the public leading to safe food and water; shelter; quality education; and livelihoods/training  for destitute people, the handicapped people, delinquent children, prison inmates and provide assistance in cases of unemployment, underemployment, old age, sickness, disablement and other deserving cases.

To establish or run or takeover  libraries, schools, colleges, universities, educational institutions, coaching centers, research centers, archives, heritage centers and museums for the purpose of enrichment of Music, Art, Culture, science, Literature, Ancient Science, Mathematics and overall   welfare of the people or areas and take loans from any financial institutions or grants or donations.

To conduct and execute Research, Studies, Surveys, Workshops, Projects, Programs, C.S.R. Activities for the overall development and welfare of the all sections of society and community.

To implement Corporate Social Responsibility (C.S.R.) Projects of various Corporate/ PSUs/Private Companies and all types of Government/Non-government organizations.

To advance sustainable living, Yoga, Aurveda, Meditation, Sports, Health centers, and traditional Indian cultural practices, knowledge, ancient science, and  Indian tourism.

To produce, purchase, develop, trade/supply and install equipment, instruments and all kinds of products to be utilized for educational, economic and cultural advancement of people, places and areas.

To establish or run homes for delinquent children, orphanage/old age home, Temple, Meditation Yoga center, Ashram, Spiritual Training center/Institutions and organize all kind of activities for the advancement of spiritualism, communal harmony, promotion of traditional festivals,  advancement of human rights, human values and ethics to achieve equality, inclusive justice and generate awareness to eliminate social taboos and social delinquencies.

To conduct, organize  and manage Seminars, Conferences, Summits, Marathons, Sports events, cultural events online and offline, Community engagement programs, sensitization programs, Information, Education & Communication  (IEC ) activities for awareness generation regarding various important social, economic, cultural and educational issues concerning all sections of society.

To run Publications, TV Channels, Media Institutions/Radio stations, and publish News editions, magazines, Journals, Audio/Video advertisements, feature films, social media campaigns, research papers, books, directories, study reports, detailed Project Reports etc. for creating awareness regarding important socio-economic issues and Government schemes.

 To establish & run Academic/Technical/Management, Vocational Training institutes, Skill Development Training centers, business incubators, research centers, libraries and colleges for educational, employment and empowerment purposes.

To implement & run all kinds of Programs/Projects for achieving all Sustainable development goals of the United Nations.
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